February 2019


Every woman should have an elegant black dress in her wardrobe that can be worn for any event or occasion. This simple "fashion rule" takes its routes to 1920s and Coco Chanel, who made a little black dress an iconic piece of clothes.
Since then the style never lost its popularity and remains one of the most commercial article in the luxury segment of the fashion industry. In order to pay respect to Coco Chanel, we are happy to announce the "Little Black Dress" fashion designing contest.
The contestants should create illustrations of a black dress and send them to the project e-mail initiative@kraimod.com until 1st March 2019, indicating the topic "Little Black Dress", your name and the country of residence.
Customer Group
Women in Europe,
25 - 45 years old
Women that are aware of the latest fashion trends and like the feeling of being special. They are successful, self-confident and have their own style.
Key words: Elegance, Freedom, Success
Afterwards the best designs will be offered to the international fashion brands in order to be included into their collections, enabling young talented designers to get noticed and make their first steps on the international fashion scene.
1. Black remains the most commercial colour by dresses for a very long time. It not only allows to use the same dress for different occasions from business with a blazer over it to glamour with pumps and relevant accessories, but also makes the silhouette look thinner and more elegant.
2. A little black dress doesn't always mean 100% use of black. Small elements of other colours can easily increase the beauty and charm of the main colour.
3. Yves Saint Laurent once said: "Fashion fades, style is eternal". A little black dress is a perfect example for this. If a designer will be able to create a unique dress of eternal style, the success is guaranteed.
All the pictures are allowed to be sent in the following formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, PSD, TIFF. They can be performed either in colour or black-and-white graphic.
Please submit the illustrations of designs to the following e-mail initiative@kraimod.com indicating the topic "Little Black Dress", your name and the country of residence until 1st March 2019. Multiple entries from one person are allowed.
As the contest envisages production of clothes by third parties, we are not allowed to announce the winning designs publicly on our website or social networks due to copyright reasons. So only the successful applicants will be informed about the results.
The styles sent to us after the deadline will be evaluated as a normal application for the Initiative Service by Kraimod without any regard to the "Little Black Dress" contest. The full version of the terms and conditions for the contest can be found under the link: Contests - Terms & Conditions
Good luck!
The Kraimod Team